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Cryptocurrency Winter

Cryptocurrency Winter

The cryptocurrency market has been booming for the last few years. It is now worth more than $800 billion, with Bitcoin alone accounting for $300 billion. Source "coinmarketcap" This article will provide a brief overview of the cryptocurrency market, how it works, and...

Are you safe with Cryptocurrency?

Are you safe with Cryptocurrency?

The future of cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that relies on cryptography to generate and secure its transactions. It is a decentralized currency, meaning it doesn’t rely on banks or other institutions to process transactions. Any government...

Blockchain technology and how it could impact you

Blockchain technology and how it could impact you

Blockchain is the technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It’s also the core of many other innovative applications in almost every industry. Many companies are exploring uses for blockchain technology in their industries and connecting with consumers...

NFT Contract

NFT Contract

An NFT is a token that represents some digital asset. It can be used to represent in-game items, cryptocurrency, art, and even real estate. You can think of it as a representation of any digital asset you own on the blockchain. NFTs are ERC-721 tokens. This means that...